Two characters were created to help communicate messages about (1) the health impacts of mosquito-borne illness and (2) about the benefits of mosquito control efforts. Read about Dr. Diaz and Brad below.
Dr. Diaz

Dr. Diaz is used in this campaign to show the relationship between healthcare and diseases transmitted by mosquitoes.
About the Character
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My name is Dr. Diaz and I am a healthcare provider in Miami. I care about all of my patients, and want my community to stay safe, especially from mosquito-borne diseases. There are many mosquito-borne diseases that can harm you and your family, including Zika virus, West Nile virus, Dengue fever, yellow fever, Chikungunya, Western equine encephalitis and St. Louis encephalitis. I sometimes treat these diseases, and am sharing this knowledge because I care. Some diseases can display mild symptoms, while others can be deadly. That is why it is so important to protect you and your family from mosquito-borne diseases by applying U.S. Environmental Protection Agency- and Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services-approved insect repellent, and wearing long-sleeved shirts and long pants.
Important Health Resources
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Use resources from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Florida Department of Health to answer health-related questions you may receive while communicating about mosquito control. Additional resources are available on this website’s Resources page.
Twitter: @CDCgov
Facebook: @CDC
Phone: (800) 232-4636
Visit the Site
Florida Department of Health
Twitter: @HealthyFla
Facebook: @FLDeparmentofHealth
Phone: (850) 245-4444
Visit the Site

Brad is used in this campaign to represent the men and women who work in communities to control mosquitoes.
About the Character
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My name is Brad and I am a mosquito control operator in your local mosquito control program. I survey our community for mosquitoes and help prevent emerging mosquito populations from harming your family. There are 61 mosquito control programs in Florida that locally control mosquito populations based on Integrated Mosquito Management, just like I do. Based on local environments and mosquito biology, mosquito control program operators use a combination of strategies to protect you and your community. The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services oversees all mosquito control programs. The state works with local areas to best protect each community in Florida. Together, we protect you and your family.
Important Mosquito Control Resources
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Use resources from the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services to answer questions you may receive pertaining to mosquito control programs while communicating about mosquito control. Additional resources are available on this website’s Resources page.
Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Phone: (850) 617-7917
Visit the Website