Instructions for toolkits

Follow these steps to download each item:
- It is recommended that you create a folder on your computer where each file can be downloaded to. This will help keep everything organized when you post on social media, but it is not necessary.
- Use the download buttons on each web page to download the desired material.
- Save the file into the folder you created.
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Follow these steps to publish a post on Facebook or Twitter:
- Open your organization’s Facebook account or Twitter account.
- Create a new post. There is a text document for Twitter and Facebook. Copy and paste the text from the Word document into post text. Use the project’s name “Prevent & Protect” when posting any resources from the Mosquito Control or Emergency Response toolkits, or discussing the project on your organization’s social media accounts. You can edit the text to include your organization’s name as well.
- Click photo/video in Facebook post, or add image button for Twitter.
- Select the desired toolkit graphic from your folder you saved it in. (Tip: If you did not save it to a specific folder when downloading, the file may be saved to your download file.)
- Use this link to direct readers toward additional resources:
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Follow these steps to customize info-sheets and infographics:
- Use the download buttons on the Print Media web page to download the desired print materials.
- Note: Only the info-sheets and infographics are customizable.
- The file will download as a PDF preview. If you have Adobe Acrobat and have not opened the program before, you must open the program before opening the document. Adobe Acrobat will ask you if you want all PDFs to open with Acrobat instead of Preview. Select yes. Now open the desired downloaded toolkit resource. You can download a free version of Adobe Acrobat Reader if you do not have it.
- There is a blank image box on every customizable graphic. Click on the image box and select your organization’s logo from your computer.
- Click File and then click Save As. Select a folder where you want to save the material. Click Save.